About LAC
Ms. Chaimae Bourjij, IYF Regional Director Middle East & North Africa during Global Festival of Action
In response to the demand for more information on the Representative’s position, this platform provides step by step guidance on how to pursue the Representative position as a voluntary career option including details on the functions as per the Representative Job Description, the eligibility requirements, the Leaders Assessment Centre and related arrangements.
Information is also available on the structures and process steps for the selection and appointment of IYF Representative. The site also hosts Representative profiles of serving Representatives, serving to shed insights on the ground realities of the work based on personal experience and views.
Information is also available on the structures and process steps for the selection and appointment of IYF Representative. The site also hosts Representative profiles of serving Representatives, serving to shed insights on the ground realities of the work based on personal experience and views.
Leaders Assessment Center
The IYF Leaders Assessment Center (LAC) is an examination and assessment facility under the IYF Bureau of Management that conducts competency, personality and knowledge-based assessments for potential candidates and a passing grade is required in order to be considered for any Representative positions.
LAC is recognized as a neutral, impartial and highly professional examination for candidates for inclusion in the Representatives pool. As an initial quality control of the candidates it serves as an important basis for ensuring the fairness, objectivity and transparency of the selection process. The assessment process is structured around the Representative post competencies, using a variety of testing and assessment methods.
Interested candidates must be nominated by individuals or entities in order to undertake the LAC. Information on specific dates for the LAC may be obtained from the online website. [full-width]